



The Osteopathic Journey will most likely take you through 3 phases of Care:

Acute Pain Relief:

The first goal must be pain management. By diagnosing the cause of the pain it will help you manage it so that you can move into the recovery phase.

Restore Health:

Once the pain is managed, then the body can begin the healing process. This restoration of structural and functional health will depend on the underlying cause. You will also be given management tools such as rehabilitation exercises to do at this point.

Maintain Wellness:

Once your problem is fully on the road to recovery, management and maintenance of that health is a factor in your ongoing well-being. You will be given self-help tools and advice and periodic treatment may be recommended to help you maintain your functional and structural health.


93.2% of osteopathic patients felt that their experience of osteopathy was very good.

Patient-Reported Outcome Measures adult data, 2017


96% of osteopathic patients expressed confidence in osteopathic treatment and advice

You.Gov Public Perceptions survey, 2015