Back Pain, Sciatica and Lumbago

Back pain affects up to 80% of us at some point in our lives. Your spine is made of solid, bony blocks reinforced by strong ligaments and muscles. It is surprisingly difficult to damage the spine but if strained, the surrounding muscles and ligaments can cause discomfort and pain. These useful tips can help:

  • Keeping active can help with most back pain and will keep backs healthy.

  • Prolonged bed rest is usually not good for backs and delays recovery

  • When lifting and carrying always keep the item close to the body. Make sure to bend the knees and let the legs do the work. Try not to twist the back – turn with your feet.

  • Take regular exercise (aim for 30 minutes every day). People who are physically fit generally experience less back pain and recover faster if they do get it.

  • Pace yourself when undertaking any physical activity, especially when it is intensive or you are unaccustomed to it e.g. spring cleaning or tidying the garden after the winter.

  • Adjust your car seats, use a rolled-up towel to support the lower back and take regular breaks on long journeys.

  • Mattresses and sofas wear out over time and can cause back pain. If you have one that is over eight years old it may be time to get a new one.

Early diagnosis and treatment can aid recovery and get you back to normal activities more quickly. Around half of those who suffer an episode of back pain will have a recurrence of symptoms within a few years. Stress can increase the amount of pain you feel by magnifying the effect of tension and muscle spasms.

REMEMBER: Back pain is rarely due to any serious disease and the long-term outlook is good. If you do have any concerns about your back please get in contact.

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